Shipping & Delivery

    The products can be picked after the order has been processed, which can take up to a couple of days before the shipment can be despatched. Usually shipments are made on Monday or a Tuesday, this is to ensure delivery of the goods will be within 2 or at most 3 days.
IMPORTANT : the courier does not guarantee delivery of the goods, within the lead time of 2-3 working days, after 15 December and throughout the festive period.

Privacy & Security  

    Privacy is protected in compliance with the Decree N. 196/2003. It is possible to view the entire privacy document of our website at the time of purchase of the products, when you subscribe and enter your personal data.
 The security of your data is guaranteed because the connection to the site is encrypted at the moment of purchase when personal data such as credit card or current account details are being transferred.

Returns & Replacements

    As provided by the Consumer Code (Legislative Decree 206/2005 and Decree 70/2003 ), the right to withdraw is excluded for perishables or goods which perish quickly, such as these particular goods. If the products do not arrive in optimal condition, you are kindly requested to contact the Company by email to: describing the status of the products and supplying the order number.

Payment, Pricing & Promotion

    The order will be completed by paying by electronic means such as credit cards (Visa, Master Card, American Express .... ), during which you will be transferred to a different site, with encrypted and secure connections, with a browser bar that turns green.
On completion of the order, you will receive an email confirming the payment.
Any promotions will be included on the Home Page.

Viewing Orders

    Orders are processed immediately on receipt and subsequently scheduled. You will be notified by email as soon as the order reaches the shipment stage.

Updating Account Information

    The updating of data in relation to delivery must be made before the order is placed. Orders will be delivered to the address indicated in the information entered at the time of confirmation of the order.